This question has two parts. Part one is the official canonization process the Church uses to declare a person a saint. Part two is how one is to live their life to become a saint. Part One - Canonization The official process for becoming a Saint is called “Canonization”, but before 1234 there was no formal process for being declared a saint. Martyrs and those deemed as … [Read more...]
Stations of the Cross
Glory Be In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Act of Contrition O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I … [Read more...]
Anima Christi
Anima Christi means "the soul of Christ". The prayer comes from the 14th century and was a favorite of St. Ignatius of Loyola. It's authorship is unknown and many had believed that St. Ignatius was the author since it is at the beginning of his Spiritual Exercises although a few manuscripts that include the prayer have been found that predate the Spiritual Exercises. Some … [Read more...]
Divine Praises
Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man. Blessed be the name of Jesus. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the Holy Spirit the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy. Blessed be her holy and … [Read more...]
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the World, have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father, have mercy on us. Heart of Jesus, formed in the womb of the … [Read more...]